The simplest facts about life and living that were documented in an ancient book long ago are now being validated by modern science. ... our results suggest that “doing good” may be an important avenue by which people create meaningful and satisfying lives.(1)
As we continue studying the way to have victory in the Christian life, we find that the words of Christ as found in the Bible are still light years ahead of 21st century society in promoting mental, moral and physical health. No one has to wait for science to catch up to God in order to experience the benefits of Christlike living.(2) The methods of happiness and the techniques of self-conquest are continued in this article.
Yes...that's right...this is a promotion of good works as another means of obtaining victory over sin and self in the Christian life. Good works inspired and empowered by the grace of God are not only possible but expected of Christians.
Some well-intentioned and very sincere but misguided religious people are emphasizing so passionately salvation without good works that the impression is left on minds that good works are a worse sin than sin itself.
This is unfortunate because not only does Jesus Christ encourage doing good to others but now even scientific studies support the principles that the Savior taught about good words and deeds.
Consider the following 16 victory aids that are not yet fully understood by science and in some cases yet to be discovered:
1. Doing good is an excellent remedy for disease.

3. The pleasure of doing good animates the mind and vibrates through the whole body.
4. Triumph always follows decided effort.
5. Striving to excel in what is excellent is lawful, and promises entire success.
6. When human beings work in union with the Life-giver, who offered up His life for them, happy thoughts fill the mind.
7. Taking hold courageously of the work that needs to be done, and putting the heart into it, makes the work a pleasure, and brings success.
8. The more earnest our own efforts to attain to holiness of heart and life, the more acute will be our perception of sin, and the more decided our disapproval of it.
9. It is beneficence that overcomes selfishness and ennobles and purifies the soul.
10. The essence of all righteousness is loyalty to our Redeemer. This will lead us to do right because it is right‑‑because right doing is pleasing to God. The righteousness of Christ consists in right actions and good works from pure, unselfish motives. It is always best and safe to do right because it is right.
11. As you confess before men and women your confidence in the Lord, additional strength is imparted to you.
12. If we would labor to repress sinful thoughts and feelings, giving them no expression in words or actions, Satan would be defeated...
13. Every good deed is as a seed sown, to bear fruit unto eternal life. Every success gained places us on a higher round of the ladder of progress and gives us spiritual strength for fresh victories.
14. Every right action prepares the way for its repetition.
15. Every unselfish action makes the character more Christlike.
16. Strength to resist evil is best gained by aggressive service.
Right actions, good words and good deeds beautify the character and bring honor to God. It prepares the willing person to live eternally in a place where doing good is just as normal as breathing air. It is only here in this sin filled world and on this planet that consistent, continuous demonstrations of goodness can be considered offensive or can make someone uncomfortable. It doesn't matter. God is good and there is nothing nor anyone that can stop Him from being and doing good. He wants to make the same thing true about human beings. He is waiting to strengthen every sincere and willing soul to reflect His character to the world.
Proverbs 3:7,8, 16:7,24/Isaiah 58:6-8/Luke 6:27/Matthew 5:44/Acts 10:38/Galatians 6:10/Hebrews 13:16/James 4:17/3 John 1:11/Psalms 16:11/Romans 8:8, 15:2/Job 17:9/Psalms 23:3, 37:9, 55:22, 64:10, 92:12, 106:3/Proverbs 11:30, 21:21/Matthew 5:6, 6:33/Romans 6:16,18/Ephesians 5:9/1 Timothy 6:11/2 Timothy 3:16/ 1 John 3:7,10/James 4:7/Psalms 28:7/Isaiah 12:2, 26:4/Psalms 40:10/Revelation 12:11/2 Corinthians 2:14/Joshua 1:8/Psalms 82:3,4/Proverbs 11:25/Proverbs 16:17/Proverbs 17:27,28/Proverbs 21:21/Proverbs 4:18/2 Peter 1:5-7/Psalms 115:14/Ezekiel 20:43, 36:31/Psalms 119:104,113,128
© 2012 Tyrone Keels
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