ALTERATIVES -Herbs used to alter the existing nutritive and excretory processes and gradually restore normal body functions. (long term thorough blood cleansers which slowly and steadily restore normal function)
American bittersweet, balm of Gilead (bark), barberry, bayberry, beth root, bistort, Black cohosh, Black spruce, Black walnut, Bladderwrack, Blue Cohosh, Blue flag, Blue violet, Borage, Brigham tea, Buckbean, Bugleweed, Butternut, Carob, Carrot, Cascara sagrada, Cayenne, Chaparral, Chickweed, Chicory, Cleavers, Comfrey, Cramp bark, Culver’s root, Echinacea, Elecampane, False Unicorn, Garlic, Golden Seal, Hickory, Honeysuckle, Hops, Hyssop, Mandrake, Mountain laurel, Oregon grape, Plantain (cooling), Pokeroot (relaxant), Pomegranate, Prickly ash (dried bark), Purple loosestrife, Red clover, Red raspberry, Sanicle, Sassafras, Sorrel, Spikenard, Squaw vine, St. John’s wort Stillingia, Wood betony, Yarrow, Yellow dock
ANALGESICS - Herbs used to allay (relieve) pain when administered orally
Black willow (ovarian), Camomile, Catnip, Dill, Flaxseed, Giant Solomon’s Seal, Lobelia, Mullein, Scullcap, Skunk cabbage, Solomon’s seal, Stinging nettle, Wild yam, Wood betony.
ANAPHRODISIACS - Herbs used to lessen sexual functions and desires
American black willow, Black willow, camphor, Celery, Coca, Garden sage, Hops, Life everlasting, Oregon grape, Scullcap, White pond lily
ANODYNES - Herbs used to relieve pain when applied externally
Bittersweet, Bugleweed, Camomile, Camphore, Catnip, Coca, Corn silk, Elecampane, Figwort, Fireweed, Hops, Hydrangea, Jamaica ginger, Life everlasting, Marigold, Mullein (especially flower and oil), Mustard, Passion flower, Peppermint (methyl), Pleurisy root, Poke root, Red cedar tops, Saffron, Sanicle, Sassafras oil, Stinging nettle, Tomato tops, Vervain (with flax seed), Water plantain, White lily, White pond lily, White lettuce
ANTACIDS - Herbs used to neutralize acid in the stomach and intestinal tract
American Angelica, Apple, Barberry, Black horehounds, Bladderwrack, Caraway, Catnip, Cloves, Coolwort, Elder flowers, Fennel, Galangal, Garden carrot, Parsley, Peppermint, Slippery elm, Sweet marjoram, White poplar
ANTHELMINTICS - Herbs used to expel or destroy intestinal worms
Aloe, Alstonia bark, American centaury, American senna, Apricot seed, Balm of Gilead (bark), Balmony, Balsam fir, Banana root, Beech, Bistort, Bitter root, Black walnut, Blue cohosh, Buckbean, Blue flag, Buckthorn, Butternut, Cabbage tree, Cajuput oil, Camomile, Carrot, Cascara sagrada, Castor oil, Catnip, Cedar gum, Cloves, Common melon seeds, Dulse, Elecampane, False unicorn, Feverfew, Garlic, Gentian, Garden sage, Hops, Horehound, Hyssop, Male fern, Mandrake, Marigold flowers, Mullein, Onion, Peach, Plaintain, Pomegranate, Primrose, Pumpkin seeds, Senna, Sorrel, Stinging Nettle, Thyme, Turkey rhubarb, Valerian, Vervain, Watermelon seeds, White birch, White oak, Wild carrot, Wormwood