What is a soul ? How did it come into existence ? Why not ask God the CREATOR ? Since the Bible is declared to be His word, let us look there for an answer. The word soul or souls is mentioned in the Bible 498 times. The Hebrew word for soul in the Old Testament is Nephesh. It means - a breathing creature. There are 2 exceptions - Job 30:15 and Isaiah 57:16. In Job 30:15, the Hebrew word from which the word soul is derived is Nediybah. It means nobility; as in reputation. In Isaiah 57:16, the word souls is derived from the Hebrew word Neshamah. It means - a puff. Not once does the word soul mean anything that separates from the body at death.
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (GENESIS 2:7) Here is the first occurrence of the word soul in the Bible and an explanation of what it is. The breath of life from God plus the dust of the ground equals a living soul. Man does not have a soul, man is a soul. Read it again. Man is a living soul. The breath of life from GOD breathed into man made him alive.
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© 2014 Tyrone Keels