The examination results can be found at the links following this sentence and should only be viewed after all the questions are answered.
8 Laws of Health Page and 8 Laws of Health Sheet

The links connect you to the 8 laws of health that promote and foster health and healing. Strict obedience to these laws will bring health and healing - they are true doctors - nature's physicians

Compare your answers with the information found at these links and you will have a good estimate of the condition of your health and where you need to improve. Leave a comment or send an email if you desire further guidance.



  1. Are you a vegetarian ? or a vegan (No meat, dairy, cheese, eggs or any animal products in the diet) ?
  2. How many meals do you eat per day ? One, Two or Three or more.
  3. Do you eat snacks between meals ? Do you drink anything between meals “
  4. How often do you eat ? Every hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours or more ?
  5. Do you usually have something to drink with your food ? (Water, juice or something else)
  6. Do you take vitamins and minerals or any other nutritional supplement ? Do you use herbs ?
  7. Do you eat white rice, white bread or white sugar ? Do you use whole wheat and whole grain products ?
  8. Do you eat fruits and vegetables together ? Do you eat more than three types of food together ?
  9. Do you eat just before going to bed at night ?
10. Do you add any seasonings or flavor enhancers to your food ? If you do, what kinds ?
11. Do you use a microwave oven to cook your food ?
12. Do you eat any of your food raw ?


1. Do you exercise physically ? If so do you use weights or exercise in a gym ? When is the last time you perspired ?
2. Do you take walks regularly ?
3. Do you spend time doing anything that does not require very much physical activity ? How much time ?
4. Do you exercise your mind ? If so, what kind of exercise and how often ?


1. Do you drink water during the day ? Do you drink water everyday ? If so, how much water ?
2. Do you drink hot or cold water often, sometimes or not at all ?
3. Do you drink coffee, tea, soda, juice, milk or any alcoholic beverages ? If so, how often ?
4. Do you drink anything with your food, before you eat or after you eat ?
5. Do you drink tap (faucet) water or bottled water ? Do you drink flavored water or water with anything added to it ?


1. Do you spend time in the sunlight on sunny days ? If so, how much time ?
2. Do you eat anything that contains canola oil or any hydrogenated oils ?
3. Do you allow sunlight into your home through the windows ?
4. Do you use suntan or sunscreen products ?
5. Do you take any vitamin D supplements ?


1. Do you normally find it easy or hard to be patient ?
2. How much self-control and self-discipline do you believe that you have ? Much, some or a little ?
3. Do you have more work time than leisure (play) time or do you have a balance of both ?
4. Do you feel that there are times when it is okay or justified to not have self-control ?
5. How often do you raise your voice or speak passionately ? Do you speak loud or do you yell ? Do you use swear words ?
6. How often do you get angry ? When was the last time you were angry ? Is it easy for you to get upset ?
7. Do you work too much or stay up late at night ? 


1. Do you live in the city or in the country ? Are you near an ocean or a river or stream ?
2. Do you breathe fresh air each day ?
3. Do you open the windows in your home each day ?
4. Do you have difficulty breathing ?
5. Do you have a medical condition that interferes with your breathing ?
6. Do you smoke anything ?
7. Are you regularly exposed to any chemicals or cosmetics ?
8. Do you regularly remove the dead skin from you body ?


1. At what time do you usually go to bed ?
2. How often do you relax your body and mind ?
3. Do you eat late at night or just before bed ?
4. Do you have trouble sleeping ?
5. When do you feel tired ?
6. What do you do to relax your body ? How often ?
7. What do you do to relax your mind ? How often ?
8. Which day or days of the week do you choose to rest ?


1. Do your present circumstances seem overwhelming ? If so, how do you handle it ?
2. Are there or have there been situations where you feel as though there is no hope ?
3. What do you look forward to at the end of life ?
4. Do you believe in God ? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God ?
5. Do you read any books ? Do you read the Bible ?
6. Do you believe that God knows what is best for you ?
7. Do you pray to God when you need help ?
8. Do you pray to God sometimes just to give Him thanks for simple things ?
9. How do you handle people who bring drama and stress to you ?
10. Can you think of 3 reasons to be thankful or happy for life ?