A truly godly woman is a rare find. The Bible speaks of her value as being greater than precious gem stones. Why is such a woman of so much worth ? It has to do with her influence upon others. Not only is she a blessing with the things of this world and the things of this earthly life, but her example leads the way to eternal life. The character of Christ can be seen reflected in the expression of her thoughts and feelings which become Christ-like words and actions. We continue looking at more heavenly keys to a really good man's heart with keys 6 and 7.
The influence of the wife over the husband is powerful for either good or evil. A truly converted woman will exert a powerful transforming influence for good. Connected with her husband, she may aid him in his work and become the means of encouragement and blessing to him. If woman looks to God for strength and comfort and in His fear seeks to perform her daily duties, she will win the respect and confidence of her husband. Only in her Saviour can the wife find wisdom, strength, and grace to meet the cares, responsibilities, and sorrows of life. She should make Him her strength and her guide. (Proverbs 31:10-28,18:22,12:4)
If the wife is a colaborer with Christ in the work of saving souls, she will keep abreast with her husband in cultivating mind and heart. She will endeavor to stand equal with him in knowledge of the Word of God, and in obedience to all of His requirements. She will keep her own soul refreshed by eating the Word and drinking the waters from the wellspring of life.. Thus, instead of making herself a helpless burden, to be the object of her husband's solicitude, and to demand a large share of his attention, the wife may strengthen her husband to do the highest service for God. If she possesses true love and wisdom, she will seek to divert his mind from the gratification of lustful passions to high and spiritual themes by dwelling upon interesting spiritual subjects. (Proverbs 31:30,19:14/Colossians 3:18/1 Peter 3:1)
A godly man needs a godly wife. To a godly man, and to the church with which he is connected, a worldly wife or a worldly friend is as a spy in the camp, who will watch every opportunity to betray the servant of Christ, and expose him to the enemy's attacks. If the wife is not a humble, God-fearing, devoted woman, she will exert a wrong influence over her husband. (Ecclesiastes 7:26/Proverbs 5:3)
The one who is simple and unpretending in her dress and in her manners shows that she understands that a true lady is characterized by moral worth. Physical soundness and a practical knowledge of all the necessary household duties will never be hindrances to a well-developed intellect; both are highly important for a lady. Good health, sound minds, and pure hearts are not made of the first importance in households. Good health is necessary for the enjoyment of life. The foundation of that which keeps people in health is the medical missionary work of good cooking. It cannot be too often repeated that whatever is taken into the stomach affects not only the body but ultimately the mind as well. (3 John 2/Ecclesiastes 3:13/Proverbs 31:10,12,14,15)
By the grace of God, we will continue this study in another post. Have a wonderful weekend.
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Thank you for your post! May I use your picture of the woman praying?
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Yes.. you can use the picture. God bless.