01. Aggravation,
aggression, accusations, abortions and alcoholism will increase the sadness of humanity.
02. Belief in oneself, in mankind, or anything instead of God will still be insufficient for happiness.
03. Christ and his
character will still be the most important gifts that anyone could ever receive.
04. Dead people will
still remain dead in the grave, no matter how many movies, or human theories
say otherwise.
05. Everyone will be
one year closer to the final judgment described in Revelation 20:9.
06. Fathers and
mothers will still be unconverted in many, many homes throughout
07. God will still
be love and still be omnipotent and still be omniscient and still be
08. Hell will still
mean the grave according to the Bible and not a place where God burns sinners forever.
09. I will still be
nothing and know nothing and have nothing without God.
10. Jesus will still
be King of kings and Lord of lords.
11. Kindness and
compassion will increase in value but will be expressed less and less.
12. Love will still
be a principle of action and not just a feeling or an emotion.
13. Men of moral
power and excellent Christlike character will be greatly needed.
14. Ninety nine people
will be unprepared for the judgment.
15. Overeating,
overworking, overspending and overreactions will continue to weaken many people.
16. Power will
continue to be centralized and monetized and maximized in the wrong
17. Quick, deep and
broad understanding will become increasingly necessary for spiritual
and physical survival.
18. Rights will be
exalted above responsibilities and will continue to become idols.
19. Self-discipline
and self-sacrifice will still develop beautiful characters and will
still be required by God.
20. Time will be
wasted and lost by many people in positions of authority and by many
poor people too.
21. Unfortunate
deaths, accidents, losses, and mistakes will
increase because of bad choices.
22. Victory over
selfishness and sin will still be possible for anyone who exercises
true faith in Jesus Christ.
23. Women of moral
power and excellent Christlike character will be greatly needed.
24. You will still
need God every moment of your life whether you praise Him
or not.
25. Zero will still
be the sum total of a life without God, without Christ and without
the Holy Spirit.
Please, please, please, while there is still
time; surrender your thoughts and feelings to Jesus Christ the one who loves
you and died in order for you and I to be able to obtain victory over all sin
and selfishness in our lives...He loves you and He wants you...Not just to be
forgiven...Not to play church, but to truly become Christ-like before you die
so that you can be prepared to enjoy eternity with Him. A Christlike person is
the only kind of person that could enjoy heaven and the only kind of person
that could be trusted in heaven.
© 2020 Tyrone Keels