year's predictions were fulfilled as predicted. Will it happen again this year ? Will the world end this
year ? Will the
mark of the beast be enforced ? Most people don't even know what the
mark of the beast will be.Some leaders believe that the world has seen its last Christmas in 2015. No matter how many claim to know what is
going to happen in the future and possibly what
will happen within the next 12 months there is only One Who knows with
absolute certainty. God Himself is all-knowing and can predict the
future with 100% accuracy. Those who connect with Him through
Jesus Christ by faith are granted the privilege of understanding the
about the future which He reveals in His word. The Bible reveals today's
principles that are shaping tomorrow's events. Many of these same
rule in the lives of human beings and makes us somewhat predictable.
below are 100 predictions that will come to pass this
year. As these predictions are fulfilled, other things will happen too.
1. All ability to do good will still be the result of God’s
2. Anxiety will continue to increase..
3. Acceptance by God will still be possible.
4. Alcohol will not elevate anyone’s character.
5. America will not advance towards moral excellence
6. Babylon of Bible prophecy will
continue to increase in power.
7. Balanced thinking will be in great demand.
8. Battles for control of the human mind will continue.
9. Beauty of character will increase in value more than
physical beauty.
10. Bible verses will bring life to the spiritually dead.
11. Christ will still be the Pearl of great price.
12. Colleges will still be misperceived as institutions
of true education.
13. Cancer of the soul will kill more people than cancer
of the body.
14. Civil liberties will be less respected.
15. Dead people will not rise from the grave and haunt
16. Disease, its causes, prevention and cure will be
increasingly valuable knowledge.
17. Depraved minds will be regarded as blessed of God
instead of needing the grace of God.
18. Diseases of the mind and of the body will still be
largely self-inflicted.
19. Excitement about worthless things will continue.
20. Economic delusions about recovery will be promoted.
21. Equality of human beings will continue to be divided
by money.
22. Exceptions to the rule will continue to weaken the
23. Faith in human reason and human judgment will be
magnified above faith in God and His word.
24. Fifty or more people will die unprepared for the
25. Families will be redefined by society but not by God.
26. Faith in Jesus Christ will increase the strength of
God’s people.
27. God will still make appeals to the human heart.
28. Grace will still be available for pardon of sin and for
victory over sin.
29. Gold will still only be used for pavement in heaven.
30. Goodness will still be despised by those who reject
the love of God.
31. Hellfire will still be mistakenly associated with the
devil and a pitchfork.
32. Health habits will continue to enslave many.
33. Hope will live and thrive in spite of the darkness.
34. Human beings will continue to become less patient and
less kind.
35. Intellectual ability will continue to be mistaken for
good character.
36. Intolerance of Christ-like character qualities will
37. Investments in the kingdom of heaven will continue to
be undervalued.
38. Interruptions will increase as people try to get
closer to God through prayer.
39. Justice for many people will be non-existent.
40. Jesus Christ will still be KING of Kings and LORD of
41. Joy will fill the hearts of many who surrender their
lives to Jesus Christ.
42. Journeys to nowhere for nothing will still be taken.
43. Keeping God’s commandments to become Christ-like will still be required by
44. Keys to business success will be discarded some in
exchange for keys to God’s kingdom.
45. Knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ will still be available
to the living.
46. Kindness will increase among God’s truly converted
47. Love will increase in value because of its rarity but
will wax cold in the hearts of many.
48. Life will still not result from an explosion, an
accident or a big bang somewhere in space.
49. Last day events will continue to unfold.
50. Leaders will continue to mislead and be led astray
51. Manufactured crisis and enemies will be multiplied
throughout the world.
52. Male and female will still be male and female to God.
53. Money will still not be able to buy eternal life.
54. Meteorites will not destroy the world.
55. Nobility of character will shine more and more as God’s
people draw nearer to Christ.
56. Nuclear war will not destroy the planet.
57. Nutritional value in foods will not be significantly increased.
58. Nations will grow closer towards international war.
59. Outstanding character qualities will be sought after
less and less.
60. Obscene images and songs will continue to be exalted
by depraved minds.
61. Obedience to the laws of God will still develop
beautiful Christ-like characters.
62. Opposition to Bible truth, God's goodness and right
principles will continue.
63. Paycheck to paycheck is how many will continue to
64. Power will still attract those with the most
dangerous character traits.
65. Perfection in Christ will still be a hated topic of
66. Prayers will still be answered.
67. Questioning authority and official statements will
still be considered un-American.
68. Quiet places will increase in value.
69. Quick thinking minds under the influence of the Holy
Spirit will bless many.
70. Quality of life will still be enhanced by the
presence of Christ.
71. Revenge will continue to be a theme for
72. Reckless speech and conduct will be praised as
73. Relief from the burden of sin and selfishness will
still be possible in Jesus Christ.
74. Reserve and modesty will still be Christ-like.
75. Selfishness will still increase in the hearts of
76. Sex will continue to sell products to people and to sell
people into slavery and delusion.
77. Satellites will still be able to track citizens
anywhere on the earth.
78. Superior mental and physical ability will be gained
through a close connection with Christ.
79. Triumphs will be gained by the people of God.
80. Theories about the origin of life without God will
become more complex and ridiculous.
81. Thinking about God will become more helpful.
82. Testimonies about God’s goodness will increase in power.
83. Unity in diversity will hide perversity.
84. Urgent appeals of love from the heart of God will
continue to be sent to human beings.
85. Unkind blunt speech will continue to be seen as an
admirable character quality.
86. Unusual weather extremes will continue to increase.
87. Victories over selfishness and pride will continue to
be obtained.
88. Violations of trust will continue to increase.
89. Values according to the world’s standard will increasingly
differ from heaven’s values.
90. Vegan dietary regimens will continue to benefit those
who adopt them.
91. Wireless networks will continue to be superseded by
92. Worry will still be a waste of time.
93. Weakness will still be the result of sinning.
94. Weeping will still endure for a night.
95. X-rated movies will still degrade human minds.
96. Youth will still not be found in a drink, a pill or a
97. Yes there will still be a world to live in.
98. You will still only have today and right now. You
will not be promised tomorrow.
99. Zero will still be the number of times that sin will
be worth the price.
These predictions are all established by Bible
prophecies and Bible principles. While these predictions may be considered
general and easier to make, there are predictions, that could only be foreseen
by God, with specific details regarding the United States and the role it will
play in last day events. This too, is revealed in the Bible. Would you like to
know something more specific about what will happen in America in the last days
? By the grace of God, we will continue the study of America in Bible prophecy
in future posts.
24, Luke 21:11/Acts 10:43/Isaiah 41:21-23, 42:9, 44:6-8, 46:9,10,
48:5,6/Jeremiah 17:9/Amos 3:7/Hosea 12:10/2 Peter 1:19/Revelation 1:3,
22:7/Proverbs 22:3, 27:12/John 13:19, 14:29/Luke 21:28/2 Timothy 3:1-5,7,13
Have you been drawing closer to Jesus Christ ?
Do you even know Him ? Is He your deeply personal Lord and Savior from the
penalty and power of sin ?
If you have not done so
already or if you have backslidden toward the world and are now
worldly...please in the name of Jesus awake and stay alert if you are awake.
your heart to God while there is still time; surrender your thoughts and
feelings to Jesus Christ the one who loves you and died in order for you and I
to be able to obtain victory over all sin and selfishness in our lives...God
loves you..God wants you...Not just to be forgiven...Not to play church, but to
truly become Christ-like before you die so that you can be prepared to enjoy
eternity with Him. A Christlike person is the only kind of person that could
enjoy heaven and the only kind of person that could be trusted in heaven.
Pray like this -
Father in heaven, I am a sinner and I believe that Jesus Christ died on the
cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and
Savior right now and I ask you to give me a new heart. New motives, new desires
and new purposes that will be in harmony with your law of 10 commandments. I
thank you and praise you for the forgiveness of my sins and for causing me to
be born again right now, In Jesus, name, amen.
© 2016 Tyrone Keels